Aug 3, 2011

Aspera Software – High-Speed File Transfer - Boost the file transfer

Used Aspera's solution in one of my latest integration projects.
We needed the ability to upload large files over geographical spread sites.
By Aspera solution we were able to use all the bandwidth of network for the upload and download.
We were able to transfer files ( various sizes 0.5 - 9 GB ) over 10 / 15 Mbps networks , over the internet with the maximum provided bandwidth provided ( 10/15 Mbps) by using the Aspera's "fasp" solution.
Aspera supports much much larger rate , 1 GBbit and more.
Aspera's algorithm can use all the bandwidth that is provided by the WAN / LAN.
Depends on the license.

Before FTP was used and the max rate we saw was only round 500 kbps over the same 10/15 Mbps lines.

We got great service by the support , I am really recommend to use this solution.
it saved us a lot of time and created a great solution to our customers.

Biztalk FTP adapter caused ACK Zombies messages in Orchestration

We handled a strange behavior of logical FTP port in Orchestration which was set to Transmitted true.
In the Orchestration we had several send ports in a single none transcriptional scope. this scope also included call and start orchestration shapes.
The invocation of the orchestration left after each invocation two zombie messages , those was the ACK messages of the FTP adapter with the known error :

0xC0C01B4C The instance completed without consuming all of its messages. The
instance and its unconsumed messages have been suspended.

I tried to tweak the propertices of the scope to Synchronized true and also switch to different type of transaction. I know that such changes influence on the orchestration behavior , this I won't describe here.
Those changes didn't solve the issue.

Solution :

Finally I created another Atomic scope that included only the send ports , this configuration solved the issue.
That seemed to work fine but the error returned.
The problem was caused by using Send Port Groups, we have one group with two ports FILE and FTP. when we removed the FILE port from group we stopped getting the error.

In general you should always use Atomic scope if you have several send ports in a row , this save the Dehydration and Rehydration of the orchestration between each send.

Strange behavior of the adapter and orchestration mediation in Biztalk 2009.

Aug 1, 2011

AIM - Application infrastructure and middleware - Cloud and Appliance


Application infrastructure and middleware you can right it or buy it.

The AIM solutions provided by most major vendors like Oracle , IBM and Microsoft.
The products that out in the market contains many features that suppose to make the AIM solutions easy to handle.
You must not forget that the purpose of those products not only to create the solutions but also to provide an easy maintenance for the solutions.

The SMB market preferred not so far to do the integration by custom code because the AIM products were not so cost affective. If you need to do several integration processes a year why to spend tens of thousands on it? This was right in the past.

Today you can find a good products out there that will not only speed the integration process but also will provide good platform for maintenance.

If you don't have the man power or the resources you can get an appliance solution or a cloud.
appliance solution can be very easy to use , but keep in mind that it is an appliance , the update process can hard and you can have problems to scale your solution.

Cloud is the world that everyone use , and you can do integration as a service , INaaS.

some INaas vendors that you should check when seeking for integration solution for your business :

- Dell boomi
- WebSphere Cast Iron
- Mule Cloud connect
- Progress